
6th place

3988 points


User Name Score
0xMM 3032
0xAM 956


Hint 190


Hint for cute doggie chews often



Challenge Category Value Time
Container Security / IaC (Infrastructure As Code) - Case Study (1/4) Containers 150
Container Security / IaC (Infrastructure As Code) - Warmup (2/2) Containers 100
Challenges for BlockChain technology (4/5) Blockchain 300
Challenges for BlockChain technology (3/5) Blockchain 100
Challenges for BlockChain technology (2/5) Blockchain 100
Challenges for BlockChain technology (1/5) Blockchain 100
Muddy Waters Forensics 250
oh cute doggie, did you eat my challenge? Crypto 100
Getting around Fukuoka Crypto 100
MessatDDoSia Miscellaneous 25
BEC - Azure UAL (4/4) Forensics 160
BEC - Azure UAL (3/4) Forensics 25
BEC - Azure UAL (2/4) Forensics 25
BEC - Azure UAL (1/4) Forensics 25
Identify the monster Miscellaneous 10
MISP history Miscellaneous 10
Container Security / IaC (Infrastructure As Code) - Case Study (4/4) Containers 300
Blockchain (12/12) Blockchain 50
Blockchain (11/12) Blockchain 50
Blockchain (10/12) Blockchain 50
Blockchain (9/12) Blockchain 30
Blockchain (8/12) Blockchain 30
Blockchain (7/12) Blockchain 30
Blockchain (6/12) Blockchain 30
Blockchain (5/12) Blockchain 30
Blockchain (4/12) Blockchain 10
Blockchain (3/12) Blockchain 10
Blockchain (2/12) Blockchain 10
Blockchain (1/12) Blockchain 10
FIRST History Miscellaneous 10
Secret Meeting Note Miscellaneous 100
LLM Flag Hunt (1/2) Miscellaneous 20
Canaries Miscellaneous 10
Serious RFC Miscellaneous 42
Exploring Esoteric Exploits - 3/4 ICS 100
Warm Up 2 Crypto 9
Warm Up 1 Crypto 13
SIM3 (6) Conclusion SIM3 300
Exploring Esoteric Exploits - 2/4 ICS 100
SIM3 (4) Do you know what we deliver as services... SIM3 200
SIM3 (3) Late at handling an incident... SIM3 200
FIRST SIGs Miscellaneous 10
ThreatActor CTI 100
Container Security / IaC (Infrastructure As Code) - Warmup (1/2) Containers 10
DNS Nibble - Bonus Network 57
Warm Up 3 Network 17
Data Science/ Machine Learning (3/3) Data Science 10
Data Science/ Machine Learning (2/3) Data Science 10
Data Science/ Machine Learning (1/3) Data Science 10
Start Here AppSec 50
Exploring Esoteric Exploits - 1/4 ICS 100
Audit techniques Auditing 10
Firewall Auditing 10
Intrusion Detection System Auditing 10
SIM3 (5) Updating an RFC 2350 SIM3 100
SIM3 (1) How well do the CSIRT knows it constituents? SIM3 100
SIM3 (2) Staff issues SIM3 100
SIM3 (0) Useless for FIRST application SIM3 10